Arranging a burial at Alne Wood Park
Alne Wood Park accepts full coffin/shroud burials as well as the burial of cremated remains.
On our Pricing & Reservations page you can find pricing and booking forms for reserving a plot and arranging a burial. Additionally, you can also find our site regulations on the same page. If you would like to talk to us or visit the site, please call 01789 400 203 or email info@alnewoodpark.co.uk.
The site is open for burials of local and non-local residents, regardless of their beliefs and religions. Burials can be conducted between 10am and 3pm. During funerals, families have the opportunity to take their time because there is only one burial per day and as a result, they will not feel rushed to leave.
Because of our commitment to maintaining an environmentally friendly burial site, we do not allow bodies that have been embalmed and coffins, shrouds, and urns for ashes must be fully compostable. If you are using a Funeral Director you should inform them about these requirements as early as possible.
Arrangements for plot purchase and booking a burial can be made directly with us or via your chosen Funeral Director.
What to expect
Full coffin/shroud graves are dug by experienced local grave diggers and ashes burials are prepared by Alne Wood Park staff. Before the funeral the site will be lightly mowed to provide access from the car track. Only funeral cars and those needing help with access to the site are permitted to drive up the hill, all others will access it on foot from the car park. This may take around 10 minutes. Appropriate footwear should be worn allowing for the fact the site is typically muddy after wet weather.
On the day of the funeral, the site will be prepared by the gravedigger to allow access for the funeral party to lower the coffin/shroud and to cover the earth mound adjacent to the gravesite. Staff will provide 10 plastic garden chairs at the grave-location for those who may not be able to stand for the whole ceremony, additional chairs can be organised by prior arrangement.
Alne Wood Park staff will be present onsite before, during and after the funeral to provide guidance for visitors. There is no time-limit for funerals but if it is going to be longer than 2 hours this should be discussed with staff so they can inform the gravedigger.
Following the funeral the grave will be infilled, leaving a neat mound of earth that will settle over time. This will be levelled by Alne Wood Park staff over the subsequent months and eventually sown with our own blend of wildflower and grass seed at an appropriate time of the year to return it to it's original state.
Memorial plaques can be purchased to mark a grave site. These are typically placed on full graves within 8-12 months of burial, For an ashes interments they can be laid on the same day if purchased ahead of time.